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"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Pretty in white

Is it me or is this week dragging? I honestly can't wait for the weekend to be honest, I can't wait to just chill and maybe have a few drinks. I hope you've all had a good week so far!!

So every summer the back garden is FULL of daisies and I don't mean the odd few I mean it's completely covered with them so of course I take advantage of that and snap a little shot of a single one. Let me know what you think!


You may already know but just incase you don't, I have a print store in which I'm adding new prints to every week so it would really mean a lot to me if you checked it out and even bought one if you really like it!

So if you haven't seen already on here I now have a price list of shoots that I'm doing now and it would mean a lot if you could check them out and maybe pass it on to someone you know needs a friendly Photographer!

Thank you to everyone who has so far support this website/blog. If you have any comments don't forget to let me know below. Any feedback is always welcome.

There will be two posts a week!!

So make sure you create an account so you're a member of the website to get notifications when I post!

Thank you for all the support as always.

Much Love


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