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"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I could literally spend my entire life in a bookstore and I'd never get tired of it. Near the end of last year I got into a bit of a reading slump but it's safe to say I'm completely out of that and I couldn't be happier to be honest. Have you been reading lately?

I took this image while in Waterstones at the weekend, I'm trying to not just shoot the same thing over and over again as I've noticed I've been getting into the habit that. So going forward I'm going to be shooting a wide range of things!!


You may already know but just incase you don't, I have a print store in which I'm adding new prints to every week so it would really mean a lot to me if you checked it out and even bought one if you really like it!

So if you haven't seen already on here I now have a price list of shoots that I'm doing now and it would mean a lot if you could check them out and maybe pass it on to someone you know needs a friendly Photographer!

Thank you to everyone who has so far support this website/blog. If you have any comments don't forget to let me know below. Any feedback is always welcome.

There will be two posts a week!!

So make sure you create an account so you're a member of the website to get notifications when I post!

Thank you for all the support as always.

Much Love


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